Friday, August 19, 2016

Common Vegetable names in hindi and it's transliteration

Hello Friends,
During my interaction with several non native hindi speaking mothers I often come across this question. Can you please make me a list of indian vegetables name? It is very crucial of them to know the names in hindi specialy in places where the shopkeepers are hindi speaking. I have prepared a list of common vegetables, it's name in hindi and it's transiteration (representing how it has to be pronounced in english). Hope this list helps those mothers.

English Hindi Transliteration
Ash gourd पेठाPetha
Beet root चुकन्दरChukandar
Bell pepper शिमला मिर्च Shimla mirch
Bitter gourd करेला Karela
Bottle gourd लौकीLauki
Brinjal,egg plant,aubergine बैंगन Baigan
Cabbage गोबी/ बंदगोभी Gobi/Bandgobi
Carrot गाजर Gaajar
Cauliflower फूलगोभी Phoolgobhi
Chilli मिर्च Mirch
Cluster beans ज्वारJwar
Colocasia अरबीArbi
Drumstick सहजन की फली Sahjan ki phali
Gherkin,Cucumber खीरा Kheera
Ginger अदरक Adarak
Green Peas मटर Mattar
Ivy gourd/Little gourd तिंडोरा Tindora
Ladyfinger भिन्डी Bhindi
Lemon नींबू Nimbu
Okra भिंडीBhindi
Onion प्याज Pyaz
Potato आलू Aaloo
Pumpkin कद्दूKaddu
Radishमूली Mooli
Raw Jackfruit कच्चा कटहल lKachcha Kathal
Ridge gourd तोरी/ तुरली Tori/Turali
Snake gourd चिचिण्डा/ पड़वल Chichinda/Padwal
Suran/Yam रतालूRatalu
Sweet Potato शकरकंदSakarkand
Tapioca कसावा KasavaKasava
Tomato टमाटर Tamatar
Turnip शलगम Shalgam

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Common words used in questions

I have observed that often time teachers do not explain the key words found in questions hence a non hindi speaking child/adult are often baffled or left to guess as in what they should be doing with the questions. Here I have prepared a list of common words found in questions and what they mean.

You might have faced a confused situation as to what to say,which word to use.
We have included a list of Question Words:

question wordsIn hindipronounciation in english
who कौनkaun
what क्याkya
why क्योंkyon
when कबkab
where कहाँkahan
how कैसेkaise
which कौनसाkaunsa
how many कितनेkitne
how much कितनाkitna 

What is this? यह क्या है? Yeh kyaa hai?
Where were you? तुम कहाँ थे? Tum kahan the?
Who is that? वह कौन है? Vah kaun hai?
How do you say that in Hindi? आप वह हिन्दी में कैसे कहते हैं? Aap vah Hindi mein kaise kahte hain
Why are you learning Hindi?आप क्यों हिन्दी सीख रहे है? Aap kyon Hindi seekh rahe hai?
When does the train depart from here? रेलगाड़ी यहाँ से कब रवाना होती है? Relgaadi yahan se kab ravaana hoti hai?
How many hours do you sleep? आप कितने घंटे सोते है? Aap kitane ghante sote hai?
How much money do you have? तुम्हारे पास कितने रुपये है?Tumhare pass kitane rupaye hai?
In whose house do you live nowadays?आजकल तुम किसके घर में रहते हो?Aajkal tum kiske ghar mein rahate ho?

Swar and Vyanjan- part 2

As explained in the previous chapter Swar and Vyanjan part 1 swar is the vowels and vyanjan is the consonents of the alphabets.

If you are a new bee to hindi I highly recommend take a printout of the Lesson 1 where I have posted the different alphabets and the sound associated with it. Keep this page in front of you till you can recognize the symbols all by yourself. This can greatly reduce your learning time. Since Vyanjans are more complicated than swar I have posted a video instead of a chart.

Sunday, August 14, 2016