Friday, August 19, 2016

Common Vegetable names in hindi and it's transliteration

Hello Friends,
During my interaction with several non native hindi speaking mothers I often come across this question. Can you please make me a list of indian vegetables name? It is very crucial of them to know the names in hindi specialy in places where the shopkeepers are hindi speaking. I have prepared a list of common vegetables, it's name in hindi and it's transiteration (representing how it has to be pronounced in english). Hope this list helps those mothers.

English Hindi Transliteration
Ash gourd पेठाPetha
Beet root चुकन्दरChukandar
Bell pepper शिमला मिर्च Shimla mirch
Bitter gourd करेला Karela
Bottle gourd लौकीLauki
Brinjal,egg plant,aubergine बैंगन Baigan
Cabbage गोबी/ बंदगोभी Gobi/Bandgobi
Carrot गाजर Gaajar
Cauliflower फूलगोभी Phoolgobhi
Chilli मिर्च Mirch
Cluster beans ज्वारJwar
Colocasia अरबीArbi
Drumstick सहजन की फली Sahjan ki phali
Gherkin,Cucumber खीरा Kheera
Ginger अदरक Adarak
Green Peas मटर Mattar
Ivy gourd/Little gourd तिंडोरा Tindora
Ladyfinger भिन्डी Bhindi
Lemon नींबू Nimbu
Okra भिंडीBhindi
Onion प्याज Pyaz
Potato आलू Aaloo
Pumpkin कद्दूKaddu
Radishमूली Mooli
Raw Jackfruit कच्चा कटहल lKachcha Kathal
Ridge gourd तोरी/ तुरली Tori/Turali
Snake gourd चिचिण्डा/ पड़वल Chichinda/Padwal
Suran/Yam रतालूRatalu
Sweet Potato शकरकंदSakarkand
Tapioca कसावा KasavaKasava
Tomato टमाटर Tamatar
Turnip शलगम Shalgam

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